※   Real Yield = (Mining reward including electricity costs of 0.01822422 BTC for 730 days from November 2022 to October 2024 × BTC/USD price in March 13 2024 at 73,118 USD) / Equipment cost of 700 USD.

Total sales

over 16,000 units

Auto investment


Current Reserve

22.0 M USD

Mining projects    in a minute

Mining machine is device
that can acquire crypto currency by automatically
processing and issuing new currency as its object.

So many advantage!
Check out the mining process in Web3 Maker®!

※1    Real Yield = (Mining reward including electricity costs of 0.01822422 BTC for 730 days from November 2022 to October 2024 × BTC/USD price in March 13 2024 at 73,118 USD) / Equipment cost of 700 USD.
※2   This is the assumed annual yield for BNB's Mining Boost as of April 25, 2024, and is the upper limit of the yield. This assumed yield is a figure that fluctuates daily depending on market conditions.

History of BTC Price Increase

Quadrennial halving allows prices to rise.

※    The rise rate for this calculation is determined using the following formula, based on the 3rd halving cycle (from January 1, 2020, to December 31, 2023) and the 4th halving cycle (from January 1, 2024, to December 31, 2027): (Highest price during the period - Opening price on the first day of the period) ÷ Opening price on the first day of the period × 100. For the highest price in the 4th halving cycle, our forecasted value will be used.

Cost comparison of old and new mining machines

Web3 Maker®
Conventional Mining Machines



Almost 0 


No Hot





※   Prices are subject to change. Please check the shop for the most up-to-date prices.

Coin reserving service for peace of mind in case of emergency

PoR(Proof of Reserve)
A service that compensates for coins not redeemed in the event of a contingency to Shirushi Inc.
Current Reserve 22.0 M USD

With data center deposit, operation is very easy,
and it comes with a 3 year uptime guarantee for peace of mind.

No costs for location, electricity, or labor at all—giving you complete peace of mind!
a 3 year guarantee includes free repairs and replacements!
Maintenance costs are only 86USD per unit per year, offering great value!
A data center located in a public facility in Tokyo, serving as a hub for technological innovation.
A data center, occupying a building by Shirushi Inc.
Totol sales over 16,000 units
Achieved three patents
Segregated Funds 22.0 M USD
※1    Real Yield = (Mining reward including electricity costs of 0.01822422 BTC for 730 days from November 2022 to October 2024 × BTC/USD price in March 13 2024 at 73,118 USD) / Equipment cost of 700 USD.
※2   This is the assumed annual yield for BNB's Mining Boost as of April 25, 2024, and is the upper limit of the yield. This assumed yield is a figure that fluctuates daily depending on market conditions.

Sales and manufacturer information

Sales and manufacturer information
Semiconductor manufacturer, Web3 system development
Tama head office
Toyama branch

A service where mining rewards increase automatically over time Mining Boost

The 3 patents that make up Web3 Maker®

The world's highest-performancemining machine,
Web3Maker®, here's what makes it amazing!

The target of mining is SISC (Shirushi Coin).
It's the coin that can be mined with almost 0 electricity costs,
while its price continues to rise.

You can receive various coins and convert as a coins

Here are some of the joyful comments we have received

Purchased just before the end of the term. LLC   Mr.T
We purchased Web3Maker® with our expenses because it was a period in which our company generated a certain amount of sales.
Since we purchased it in 2022, before crypto currencies were rising, it is now performing much better than the purchase price.
This product has helped me a lot because with direct purchases of securities, FX, and coins, I can't expense them.
I also think it is an advantage to have an asset that is resistant to inflation even if I am in Japan.
We are making it the cornerstone of our new business. Solo proprietor   Mr.A
I have discovered a secret way to get a 10% discount when you purchase Web3Maker® with SHIRUSHI Coins, so I have been using this method to get my machines up and running in my own way quite a bit.
My earnings from my main business have not been very stable, but recently it has become much easier thanks to Web3Maker®.
I would like to work on this as my main business in the future.
Compounding. Solo proprietor   Mr.F
Web3 When I learned about Web3Maker®, I said, "This is good for compounding!" I decided.
As soon as I accumulate the coins earned by the machine, I use them to buy the next Web3Maker®.
Although the coin price fluctuates, I buy machines without worrying about the market price because I think the profit gained from the compounding effect will ultimately be more. Also, I can buy Web3Maker® directly with coins, so I don't have to exchange every single coin, which is very convenient.

How to Apply

Individual Consultation
Our staff will provide full support
from start to finish.
Buy at the shop
STEP 1   Log in via various login methods
STEP 2   Purchase by various payment methods
Bank Transfer/Credit Card
Coin Paiment
STEP 3   Billing Support



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6.本資料は、すべてのお客様にとって適切とは限りません。お客様は、取引を行う際には、専門家に法律・ビジネス・ 税金その他についてご相談ください。
8.本資料の内容に従って購入をおこなった場合に、利益を生じもしくは損失を生じる場合がありますが、当社はその結果に 対して一切の責任または義務を負わないものとします。
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